A.   Submission; Fee: After obtaining approval of the location map from the city council, the subdivider shall file ten (10) prints of a preliminary plan and the original of the proposed subdivision with the city clerk with a filing fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). The city clerk shall refer a copy of the print to the city engineer and shall refer the matter to the city council. The subdivider shall ascertain from all utility companies correct locations of all easements that are to be delineated on the preliminary plan, and shall submit to the city council letters from all utility companies and cable television companies and other public service type companies showing their approval of easement locations shown on the preliminary plan. (Ord. 212, 6-22-1985; amd. 2008 Code)
   B.   Required Information: The preliminary plan shall show the following information on sheets of a maximum size of twenty four inches by thirty six inches (24" x 36") with matching lines if two (2) or more sheets are used:
      1.   The location of all present property lines, section lines, streets, buildings, watercourses and other existing features within the area to be subdivided, and similar information (except buildings and property lines) regarding land within a minimum of two hundred feet (200'). Any future developments adjacent to the area to be subdivided that might affect the design of sanitary sewers, drainage facilities, streets, or other important improvements shall be shown.
      2.   The location and width to the nearest foot of all proposed streets, alleys, lots, setback lines, utility easements, and areas to be reserved for public use.
      3.   Lot numbers and the proposed location of sewer mains and the storm drainage system. The sanitary sewer and storm drains may be shown on a supplemental sheet.
      4.   The existing utilities, drainage courses, and culverts within that area to be subdivided or on the land adjacent thereto, along with the location and size of the nearest water mains and sewer outlets.
      5.   The title under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded; the names of the engineer, registered land surveyor, subdivider and owners of the tract, with the addresses where any notice is to be sent.
      6.   Contours refer to the USGS datum with intervals of two feet (2') or less, unless a greater interval is required because of terrain.
      7.   The north point, a minimum scale of one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100'), and the date.
      8.   The acreage and proposed zoning classification, in sketch form, of land to be subdivided.
      9.   A note stating "Preliminary Plan - Not To Be Recorded By Recorder Of Deeds".
      10.   The elevation of the 100-year floodplain if any portion of the land to be subdivided would be submerged by the flood. Adequate buildable area must be provided above the elevation of the 100-year floodplain.
   C.   Council Approval Or Disapproval:
      1.   If the city council finds that the proposed plan satisfies the requirements of this title, it shall endorse approval thereon in substantially the following language:
The proposed preliminary plan of subdivision as shown herein is approved. This is not an approval of the final plat, and this proposed plan shall not be recorded by the Recorder of Deeds.
      2.   If the city council finds that the proposed plan does not satisfy the requirements of this title, or if it is found that a public health or safety hazard exists on the land or land adjacent thereto controlled by the subdivider, it shall specify its disapproval in written findings and an order that states the conditions to be met and specific changes needed before the plan can be resubmitted. A copy of the proposed plan, findings and order shall be delivered to the subdivider.
      3.   When all the requirements set forth above have been met, the city council may by resolution approve the preliminary plan and authorize the mayor to sign the plan for and in the name of the city, with the attestation of the city clerk. The original of the preliminary plan so signed shall be delivered to the subdivider, and the city clerk shall retain one copy on file. It shall be stated on the original and copies of the preliminary plan that the approval of the city council does not constitute approval of the final plat, and the preliminary plan shall not be recorded by the recorder of deeds.
      4.   The approval of a preliminary plan by the city council will be valid for one year. (Ord. 212, 6-22-1985)