A.   Submission; Required Information: Before preparation of a preliminary plan, a subdivider shall submit six (6) prints of a location map to the city council for review and advice. The location map shall consist of data added to an existing base map, such as a United States geological survey map, or a township base map, to a suitable scale, covering an area of at least one mile radius from the tract proposed for development. The location map shall show the following information:
      1.   The outline of the area to be subdivided with approximate boundary dimensions and total acreage.
      2.   Existing streets and roads and principal utility lines on adjacent properties expected to serve the area to be subdivided.
      3.   A north point, scale, and date.
      4.   Present and proposed zoning classification of the property to be subdivided.
      5.   Title of the proposed subdivision along with the names and addresses of the owner or subdivider, engineer, and land surveyor.
   B.   Review: Within seventy five (75) days after receipt of a location map or any amendment thereof, the city council shall study the proposed subdivision site for development. Suitability for development depends upon the severity of, and available solutions to, problems concerning, but not limited to:
      1.   Location of the property on the floodplain of a river or stream.
      2.   Unusual topographic or drainage problems.
      3.   Land proposed for public use.
      4.   Poor access or no public road near enough to provide reasonable access.
      5.   The availability of public utility services.
      6.   Undesirable soil conditions affecting building construction.
      7.   Other hazards that may render the site unsafe. (Ord. 212, 6-22-1985)