In the A Residential District, the minimum dimensions of yards shall be as follows:
   A.   Front Yard: There shall be a front yard on the front of each building having a depth of not less than thirty five feet (35'); provided, however, that where the average depth of the front yard fronting on any one (1) side of the street within a distance of three hundred feet (300') on each side of a particular lot exceeds thirty five feet (35'), the depth of the front yard required under this title for such a lot shall be such larger average depth. When the street is curved, the line shall follow the curve rather than be a straight line.
   B.   Corner Lots And Double Frontage Lots: The postal address shall determine the main street for corner lots and double frontage lots. A street parallel to the main street shall also be a main street for double frontage lots. A street perpendicular to a main street shall be a side street for a corner lot or double frontage lot. The front yard requirements of subsection A of this section shall apply to both street sides of a corner lot and to both main street sides of a double frontage lot.
   C.   Side Yard: Except as set out in subsection B of this section, there shall be a side yard on each side of any building, neither of which is less than five feet (5'), and together total at least fifteen feet (15'), and no part of any building, including eaves or guttering, shall be closer than five feet (5') to the side yard lot line. However, the eaves or guttering on a detached garage may be as close as two and one-half feet (21/2'), so long as the closest point of such garage is no closer than ten feet (10') from any dwelling unit on the same or adjacent lots. Side yards qualifying under subsection B of this section must not be within City right-of-way and must comply with section 9-3-2, "Boundaries", of this chapter.
   D.   Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than twenty five feet (25'), except in instances where a lot is less than one hundred twenty five feet (125') in depth, in which case, the rear yard shall be not less than twenty percent (20%) of the depth of such lot. Rear yards that front on a street must not encroach on City right-of-way and must adhere to section 9-3-2, "Boundaries", of this chapter. Moreover, on rear yards that abut a street, all encumbrances shall have a set-back of at least ten feet (10') from lot line.
   E.   Yard Layout: See yard layout figures for respective yards.
(Ord. 417, 3-28-2017)