A.   Prohibited:
      1.   For the purpose of this subsection, the term "motor vehicle" shall be taken to mean and include every self-propelled device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway. (Ord. 27, 10-13-1952)
      2.   No person shall drive or operate a motor vehicle upon any street, highway, or alley within the limits of the city in a reckless, heedless, or wanton manner, or while under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, other drug or intoxicating compound.
      3.   Any person who shall violate any provisions of this subsection shall be prosecuted therefor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code. (Ord. 27, 10-13-1952; amd. 2008 Code)
   B.   Drug And Alcohol Testing: The chief of police is hereby authorized in his or her discretion to request or direct the administration of chemical analyses or other tests to determine the concentration of alcohol, other drug or intoxicating compound in the breath, blood, urine, or other bodily substance of any person arrested upon a charge of violation of 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-501, or any similar ordinance of the city. (Ord. 189, 12-28-1981; amd. 2008 Code)