A.   Reasonable And Proper Speed: No vehicle may be driven upon any street, alley or highway at a speed which is greater than is reasonable and proper with regard to traffic conditions and the use of the street, alley or highway, or endangers the safety of any person or property. The fact that the speed of a vehicle does not exceed the applicable maximum speed limit does relieve the driver from the duty to decrease speed when approaching and crossing an intersection, when approaching and going around a curve, when approaching a hillcrest, when traveling upon any narrow or winding roadway, or when special hazard exists with respect to pedestrians or other traffic or by reason of weather or highway conditions. Speed must be decreased as may be necessary to avoid colliding with any person or vehicle on or entering the street, alley or highway in compliance with legal requirements and the duty of all persons to use due care.
   B.   Statutory Speed Limits: No person may drive a vehicle upon any street, alley or highway at a speed which is greater than the applicable statutory maximum speed limit established by a regulation or ordinance.
   C.   Speed Limits Established:
      1.   Unless some other speed restriction is established by ordinance, the maximum speed limit for all vehicles traveling within the boundaries of the city is twenty five (25) miles per hour, except that section of Chatham Road located within the boundaries of the city,  which shall have a speed limit of thirty five (35) miles per hour.
      2.   The maximum speed limit for all vehicles traveling in an alley located within the boundaries of the city is fifteen (15) miles per hour.
   D.   Alteration Of Speed Limits; Signs Posted: The mayor and the city council may alter any speed restriction in subsection C of this section to a higher or lower restriction, in which event, signs shall be posted upon such street, alley or highway indicating the speed restriction. (Ord. 321, 5-23-2000)