The base or starting point for the numbering of all buildings which shall be numbered in said town shall be the intersection of Pearl Street and Van Buren Street in said town; Van Buren Street shall be the east and west base street and Pearl Street shall be the north and south base street. For the purpose of this subchapter and for said numbering, each street or part of street in said town north of said Van Buren Street and running north and south shall have the word “north” prefixed to its name; and each street or part of street in said town south of Van Buren Street and running north and south shall have the word “south” prefixed to its name; each street or part of a street in said town east of said Pearl Street and running east and west shall have the word “east” prefixed to its name; each street or part of a street in said town west of said Pearl Street and running east and west shall have the word “west” prefixed to its name.
(1982 Code, Title II, Ch. 2, § 2) (Ord. passed 6-6-1977)