A.   It shall be unlawful for any person to operate as a foster home within Lee County without possessing the proper licenses pursuant to (225 ILCS 605/3.2) of the Animal Welfare Act.
   B.   All licensed foster homes must remit a copy of their license to Lee County Animal Control.
   C.   All person's responsible for any animal in their possession as a foster home, must be able to produce a rabies certificate upon request to Lee County Animal Control.
   D.   It shall be unlawful for any person to present themselves as a foster home to another member of the public without holding the proper license to operate such home.
   E.   Any violation of this section will result in a fine no less than fifty dollars ($50.00) to increase by fifty dollars ($50.00) for each subsequent offense. (Ord. 07-22-001, 7-21-2022)