Excessive or habitual violations.
   A.   When a pet owner has three or more violations of the same type or violations in combination, regarding one or more pets, the administrator may have one or more such pets removed from an owner or custodian and placed for adoption, or otherwise dispose of such animals in a humane manner.
   B.   When the violation is regarding inhumane treatment of animals, the administrator may deem the owner unfit and ban from owning or having pets in his/her care for a set period of time. After that time has elapsed, he/she will again be allowed to own or care for animals after a thorough investigation by an animal control officer or state humane investigator
   C.   When an owner has been banned from owning or having animals in his/her care; information shall be provided to all other animal control officers, shelters, and humane investigators. (Ord. 07-22-001, 7-21-2022)



   State law reference - 510 ILCS 5/2.16