A.   Dog or Cat Bites: Proceedings against the Owner: On all reported dog or cat bites, proceeding will be initiated against the animal's owner by the administrator or deputy administrators pursuant to 510 ILCS 5/13: Dog or Other Animal bites; Observation of Animal.
   B.   The owner of any dog or other animal which exhibits symptoms of rabies and any dog or other animal in direct contact with such dog or other animal, whether or not such dog or other animal has been vaccinated, shall immediately notify the administrator, and shall promptly confine such dog or other animal, or have it confined under suitable observation for a period of at least ten (10) days unless officially authorized by the administrator in writing to release it sooner.
   C.   Confinement of an animal that has bitten:
      1.   When the Administrator receives information that any person has been bitten by a dog or other animal, the Administrator or his authorized representative, shall have that dog or other animal confined under the observation of a licensed veterinarian for a period of ten (10) days. The Department may, by regulation, permit the confinement to be reduced to a period of less than ten (10) days if election of euthanasia is chosen.
      2.   The veterinarian shall report the clinical condition of the dog or other animal immediately with confirmation in writing to the Administrator within twenty-four (24) hours after the dog or other animal is presented for examination, giving the owner's name, address, the date of confinement, the breed, description, age, and sex of the dog or other animal, on appropriate forms approved by the Department.
      3.   When evidence is presented that the dog or other animal was inoculated against rabies within the time prescribed by law, it may be confined in the house of its owner, or in a manner which will prohibit it from biting any person for a period of ten (10) days, if the Administrator, or other licensed veterinarian, adjudges such confinement satisfactory.
      4.   At the end of the confinement period, the dog or other animal shall be examined by the Administrator, or another licensed veterinarian. At the time of release from observation, the animal must be microchipped and such number be reported to animal control.
      5.   When a person has been bitten by a police dog that is currently vaccinated against rabies, the police dog may continue to perform its duties for the peace officer or law enforcement agency and any period of observation of the police dog may be under the supervision of a peace officer. The supervision shall consist of the dog being locked in a kennel, performing its official duties in a police vehicle, or remaining under the constant supervision of its police handler. Exams (first and tenth day) and microchipping will remain in force.
      6.   When a person has been bitten by a search and rescue dog or a guardian/working dog that is currently vaccinated against rabies, the search and rescue dog may continue to perform its duties for the handler or owner or agency and any period of observation of the dog may be under the supervision of its handler or owner. The supervision shall consist of the dog being locked in a kennel, performing its official duties in a vehicle, or remaining under the constant supervision of its handler or owner. Exams (First and tenth day) and microchipping will remain in force.
   D.   It is unlawful for any person having knowledge that any person or domestic animal has been bitten by a dog or other animal to refuse to notify the administrator immediately. It is unlawful for the owner of such dog or other animal to euthanize, sell, give away or otherwise dispose of any such dog or other animal known to have bitten a person until it is released by the administrator or his authorized representative. For the purpose of this section, the word "immediately" means by telephone, in person, or by some other means but does not include the use of the mail.
   E.   Any expense in the handling of a dog, or any other animal under this section shall be paid for by the owner.
   F.   Any person convicted of violating 510 ILCS 5/13 subsection (a-20) of The Animal Control Act is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor for a first violation. A second or subsequent violation is a Class 4 felony. (Ord. 07-22-001, 7-21-2022)



   State Law reference - Similar provisions, 510 ILCS 5/12, 510 ILCS 5/13.