(A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide for the payment of fees from the discharger to the city's POTW, to compensate the city's wastewater treatment system, and to compensate the city for the cost of administration of the pretreatment program established herein.
   (B)   Charges and fees. The city shall adopt charges and fees which may include:
      (1)   Charges and fees for monitoring, inspections, and surveillance procedures, including all costs associated with sampling and analyses for total toxic organics (TTOs) which may be required pursuant to categorical pretreatment requirements;
      (2)   Charges and fees for permit applications;
      (3)   Charges and fees for filing appeals;
      (4)   Charges and fees for reviewing accidental discharge incidents and their associated investigation and analyses;
      (5)   Charges and fees for reviewing plans for the construction of new or modified facilities relating to this chapter.
   (C)   Surcharges. All persons discharging sewage or industrial wastes exceeding strengths of normal sewage but acceptable for discharge into the POTW shall be subject to a monthly surcharge determined on the basis of the following:
      (1)   Normal sewage means sewage with a daily average of not more than 250 parts per million of suspended solids, 200 parts per million of BOD5, 50 parts per million oil and grease and 50 parts per million of ammonia.
      (2)   If analysis reveals a user's discharge exceeds the above normal domestic sewage concentrations, then the user shall be surcharged for
the additional costs associated with treating the high strength wastewater.
      (3)   The surcharge shall be computed as follows:
per lb. of excess over 200 mg/l
per lb. of excess over 250 mg/l
per lb. of excess over 50 mg/l
per lb. of excess over 50 mg/l
      (4)   The flow figure used for calculating the pounds of excess pollutant will be either a metered wastewater flow, a metered water usage, or an agreed upon alternative flow.
      (5)   Any surcharge assessed for excess pollutants shall be in addition to normal charges and shall not relieve the discharger of liability for inhibition, pass through or damage caused by such discharge.
(Ord. 8623, passed 1-14-03; Am. Ord. 9622, passed 11-27-07; Am. Ord. 2023-002, passed 1-10- 23)