(A) Wherever possible, water meters shall be placed in the cellar, mechanical room, basement, meter pit or other suitable location in the building to be supplied with water. All meters shall be provided with a remote reading device. All meter installations must be approved by the Utility Department.
(B) Each owner must provide, at his or her own expense, a suitable place for the water meter, safe from damage due to frost, hot water, steam or other causes. Where the meter is injured by frost or use of a torch, or otherwise damaged by the act or neglect of the occupant or owner of the premises or of his or her agents or servants, the cost of repair or replacing the same shall be the responsibility of the owner. In case of neglect or refusal to pay the same on demand, the water supply may be turned off, the meter removed, or both, in which case the water shall not be turned on until the cost and penalty for turning off and on is paid in full.
(C) All water meters located outside of buildings must be placed in pits. All the meter pits shall be constructed by the property owner or water user according to plans and specifications furnished by the Utility Department and placed in the location elected by the Utility Department. There also must be a shut-off valve in each meter pit. Pits shall be secured.
(Prior Code, § 21-303)