(A) Adopted by reference. The International Urban-Wildland Interface Code, 2021 Edition, including appendix chapters is hereby adopted by reference.
(B) Appendix chapters. The following appendix chapters are included:
(1) Appendix A (General Requirements).
(2) Appendix B (Vegetation Management Plan).
(3) Appendix C (Fire Hazard Severity Form).
(C) Amendments. The following sections are hereby revised:
(1) Section 101.1. Insert: City of Lead.
(2) Section 108.2. Insert: Chapter 150, Section 150.13 of the City of Lead’s Code of OrdinancesBuilding Permit Fees.
(Ord. 1002-10, passed 12-20-2010; Ord. 1047-16, passed 4-4-2016; Ord. 1091-23, passed 7-7-2023)