(A)   The following improvements shall be constructed as provided for in this section.
   (B)   Programming of improvements shall be approved by the Community Development Officer as follows.
      (1)   City obligations. The city will construct, furnish and install at city expense the following improvements according to city specifications. Furnishing of these improvements shall be commensurate with available city funds for such work and according to programs and priorities as established by the Lead City Commission. If the developer would desire any of these improvements sooner than the city would be able to furnish them, then the costs of the following improvements shall be paid for by the developer:
         (a)   Storm sewer. Storm sewer mains will be constructed by the city as funds are available. Connection shall be made at the boundary of the subdivision, if available, or to some other approved discharge outlet. The developer shall secure or provide the necessary easements or discharge permits. This requirement shall not prevent the city from acquiring necessary easements by eminent domain. Any costs for the easements shall be borne by the developer.
         (b)   Street lighting. Street lighting shall be constructed by the city, preferably after curb and gutter have been installed. If additional or other type of lighting is desired by the developer, he or she shall pay the increased cost thereof.
         (c)   Signs. Street name signs and traffic control signs shall be installed by the city.
      (2)   Obligation of developer. The developer shall pay the proportionate amount of the following improvements on or for his or her subdivision or development. Financing shall be according to this section.
         (a)   Site grading. Necessary site grading shall be accomplished by the subdivider.
         (b)   Street grading. Street grading for the full width of right-of-way shall be accomplished by the subdivider. If no site grading is to be accomplished, the street grading will be included with subsequent street improvements. Street grading shall precede any underground work. Where street grading is not to be immediately followed by street paving, the developer may be required to provide permanent grade markers at the right-of-way line of all streets of a standard approved by the Community Development Officer.
         (c)   Street improvements. Street improvements, including base, curb and gutter, boulevard sodding, inlets and leads, and paving shall be constructed according to standard city specifications or as approved by the Community Development Officer. All required underground work shall have preceded any permanent street improvements. Any improvements on a county road shall be approved by the Community Development Officer.
         (d)   Temporary construction. Temporary construction may be required, at the discretion of the Community Development Officer for just cause on any street, streets or portion thereof. Reconstruction or alteration in any way of existing streets affected by the plat or improvements there shall be subject to the approval of the Community Development Officer. All costs therein incurred, for either temporary access or reconstruction, shall be borne by the owner or subdivider. Half streets, if accepted, shall be improved as directed by the Community Development Officer.
         (e)   Sanitary sewer. Where city sewer is, or will be available at the boundary of the subdivision, the sewer shall be constructed according to city specifications. The cost of any required pumping stations deemed necessary by the Community Development Officer shall be assessed against the benefitting property. Where it is neither practical nor economical for the city to extend city sewer, private sewage disposal facilities shall be constructed according to city and state specifications. Consideration shall be given to future availability of city sewer in the installations. The information shall be recorded on the plat and in each deed so affected.
         (f)   Water main. Where municipal water supply is, or will be, available at the boundary of the subdivision, the water mains shall be constructed according to city specifications. Main sizing shall be by the Community Development Officer. All required hydrants and valves are to be included in the construction. Where it is neither practical nor economical for the city or its supplier to extend the municipal water supply, other private water supplies shall be constructed according to city and state specifications.
         (g)   Trees. Boulevard trees, if desired, shall be installed by the owner or developer in accordance with Park Department standards.
(Prior Code, § 4-1001)