(A)   A map(s) accurately identifying the following:
      (1)   All adjacent landowners within 500 feet of the proposed permit area of the operation by name;
      (2)   Proposed permit and disturbance area;
      (3)   Access roads;
      (4)   Haul roads;
      (5)   Buffer zones;
      (6)   An aerial photo of the site location;
      (7)   A topographic map of the site location;
      (8)   All waste disposal sites;
      (9)   All material storage areas;
      (10)   All setbacks (distance in feet from furthest most projection of structure to all lot lines and/or road rights-of-way);
      (11)   All existing and proposed structures, dimensions, design specifications, and location of all facilities (i.e., pump stations, gas tanks, and the like);
      (12)   Proposed and existing grading, drainage patterns, and landscaping;
      (13)   Proposed and existing improvements, including sewer and water facilities, parking, and roads;
      (14)   All property lines and dimensions of the lot(s);
      (15)   Proposed and existing wells;
      (16)   Proposed and existing septic systems and drain fields;
      (17)   Access to public roads and intersections of public roads; and
      (18)   Proposed reclamation map.
   (B)   A written summary to include, but not be limited to:
      (1)   Proposed method of operation and processing;
      (2)   Include the address and telephone number of the operator and authorized local representative;
      (3)   Proposed land uses;
      (4)   Proposed and existing signs and locations;
      (5)   Proposed timeline for completion of operation;
      (6)   Parking and loading plans pursuant to Chapter 7 of this zoning title;
      (7)   Relationship of the proposed operations to the surrounding area;
      (8)   Demonstrate sufficient provision for access to adjacent lands during active mining operation and reclamation; and
      (9)   Potential impacts to public roads.
   (C)   Buffer zone waiver(s) forms (if applicable).
(Ord. 14-01, passed 6-6-2014, Ch. 20, Art. 1, § 1.5; Ord. 16-03, passed 7-21-2017)