All wastewater systems shall be designed by a state licensed engineer as per state law (SDCL) and administrative rules (ARSD) pertaining to the same. All wastewater systems shall be installed by state licensed installers and their work shall be inspected by the designing engineer to ensure the system was built substantially in the same manner as it was designed. The engineer shall then submit a post-installation report. Inspection of the installation, equipment, and operation of an on-site wastewater system may be made at any time by authorized representatives of the state or the county. The Planning Commission is authorized to oversee individual on-site wastewater systems in the interest of public health and welfare and may require additional percolation or other tests in order to determine the feasibility of on-site wastewater systems.
(Ord. 14-01, passed 6-6-2014, Ch. 9, § 1.7; Ord. 22-04, passed 4-11-2023)