   (A)   General. The developer shall submit a preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision to the Planning and Zoning Board for review and recommendation. The plat must conform to the requirements of this title.
   (B)   Procedure.
      (1)   The applicant shall submit a plat application with each proposed preliminary plat.
      (2)   The applicant shall prepare and submit one paper copy and a digital version of the preliminary plat on the scheduled due date, together with any necessary supplementary information and all required data set forth in this section.
      (3)   The Planning and Zoning Board shall review the preliminary plat to ensure it is consistent with the standards set forth in this title, Title II of this code, and any other applicable regulations. The Planning and Zoning Board shall recommend to the County Commission approval, conditional approval, or disapproval of the preliminary plat, giving the reasons thereof, and, when necessary, shall recommend those variances to this title deemed necessary and appropriate for approval of the preliminary plat.
      (4)   After receiving the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board, the County Commission shall review the preliminary plat and shall approve, disapprove, or request modification to the preliminary plat within 90 days from the date of submittal of the preliminary plat to the County Commission unless such date is extended by agreement with the developer/applicant.
      (5)   Approval of the preliminary plat shall not constitute acceptance of the final plat. The approval shall lapse unless a final plat, based thereon, is submitted within two years from the date of approval of the preliminary plat. An extension of this two-year deadline may be requested in writing by the developer/applicant. The developer shall submit the request at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the approved preliminary plat. If an extension is not granted, then the developer shall be required to resubmit a new plan for preliminary approval subject to any new subdivision regulations. For phased developments, phase one shall be submitted within two years from the date of approval of the preliminary plat, and each subsequent phase shall similarly be submitted within two years from approval of the preceding phase.
   (C)   Preliminary plat review fee. A fee shall be charged at the time of the preliminary plat submittal to cover the cost of review. The fee is due and payable at the Planning and Zoning Department at the time of the preliminary plat submittal. A schedule of fees for plats shall be established by the Planning and Zoning Board and approved by the County Commission by resolution.
   (D)   Document format.
      (1)   The preliminary plat shall be prepared, sealed and signed, by a South Dakota registered land surveyor, a professional registered engineer, or a landscape architect at a legible scale. However, each profession shall restrict work performed for the preliminary plat to what is defined as the practice for his or her registered profession in SDCL Ch. 36-18A.
      (2)   Plat sheets shall be sequentially numbered.
         The plat shall include the following items:
         (a)   The owner, developer, and technical professionals’ names and telephone numbers;
         (b)   The correct legal description, graphic scale, north arrow, and preparation date;
         (c)   Approximate dimensions and acreage of all lots and remainders;
         (d)   Current zoning, current school districts, road districts, fire districts, sanitary districts, townships and postal areas (if applicable);
         (e)   If the proposed subdivision is a rearrangement or a re-plat of any former plat, the lot and block arrangement of the original plat along with its original names shall be clearly indicated. Also, any revised or vacated roadways of the original plat shall be so indicated;
         (f)   Vicinity map, showing locations of the preliminary plat and surrounding property to sufficiently depict the location and influence of adjoiners;
         (g)   The location and dimensions of all proposed and existing improvements either as a notation on the plat or shown on the plat or as an additional page of the plat, as stated below:
            (i)   All road rights-of-way (i.e., streets, alleys, easements, other public or private rights-of-way, driveways, railroad rights-of-way);
            (ii)   Existing structures, buildings, bridges, gravel pits, culverts underground facilities within the tract and to a distance of 100 feet beyond the tract; grades, invert elevations, location of catch basins, manholes, and domestic hydrants, all roads, driveways and surface types;
            (iii)   Streams and water courses, lakes, wetlands, rock outcroppings, wooded areas, and other similar significant features;
            (iv)   Any and all significant improvements and topographic features located on the subject property, including contours at an acceptable contour interval to indicate the relief and drainage patterns of the subject property.
         (h)   A systematic lot and block numbering pattern, lot lines and road names;
         (i)   Show all adjacent properties/owners;
         (j)   Special flood hazard areas as delineated on current effective FEMA FIRM Map; and
         (k)   Building setback lines shall be shown or noted on the preliminary plat and no building or portion thereof shall be built within the setbacks.
   (E)   Certificates for preliminary plat. Certificates of approval for endorsement by the Planning Commission and County Commission.
County Planning and Zoning Board Approval
Approval of the preliminary plat is hereby granted by the Lawrence County Planning and Zoning Board on this _____ day of ______________, 20____.
___________________________   ______________________________
Planning and Zoning, Chair      Planning and Zoning, Secretary
County Commission Approval
Approval of the preliminary plat is hereby granted by the Lawrence County Commission on this _____ day of ______________, 20____.
__________________________________   _________________________
Lawrence County Commission, Chairperson   Lawrence County, Auditor
Expiration Statement
Approval of this preliminary plat shall expire within two years after the certificate of approval is signed by the Planning Director or the County Commission. This plat will expire on the _____ day of ______________, 20____ at 5:00 p.m.
   (F)   Supplemental requirements. Supplemental requirements are as follows:
      (1)   As deemed necessary by staff, other information found in Chapter 6 of this subdivision title;
      (2)   Wildfire mitigation plan in accordance with § I-6.015(E); and
      (3)   Other pertinent information, as required, to include, but not be limited to, e.g., outside engineer review of all plans and drawings; wetland information, streams, geotechnical information, on-site wastewater disposal systems, percolation tests, soil profiles, and the like, solely at the developer’s expense.
(Ord. 14-04, passed 6-30-2015, Ch. 5, Art. 3; Ord. 19-01, passed 4-9-2019; Ord. 24-01, passed 5-14-2024)