The City of Lawrenceburg promotes an approach to management of stormwater quality and quantity issues that considers the following parameters:
   (A)   Develops comprehensive master plans that address stormwater quantity, quality, design, operation and maintenance, and funding priorities;
   (B)   Encourages the use of natural and aesthetically pleasing designs that maximize the preservation of natural areas;
   (C)   Encourages the preservation of floodplains, floodways and open spaces to protect and benefit the community’s quality of life and natural resources;
   (D)   Encourages the planning for and use of regional BMPs;
   (E)   Encourages the use of Low-Impact Development design principles;
   (F)   Implements waterway buffers;
   (G)   Encourages use of low-maintenance on-site BMPs; and
   (H)   Encourages a series of multiple BMP treatment systems.
(Ord. 2014-006, passed 10-13-14)