   99.01   Definitions
   99.02   Phone company agreement
   99.03   "911" fee
   99.04   Advisory Board
   For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   "CMRS." Commercial Radio Mobile Service as se forth in KRS 65.7621.
   "LOCAL AREA." That area within the jurisdiction of the City of Lawrenceburg and the County of Anderson, Kentucky.
   "PHONE COMPANY." Any and all companies, organizations, or entities which provide telecommunications services, either landline or wireless, and including but not limited to cellular telephone services, to the public, within the local area.
   "PSAP." Public Safety Answering Point as set forth in KRS 65.7621.
   "SERVICE SUPPLIER." A person or entity who provides local exchange telephone service to a telephone subscriber, as set forth in KRS 65.7621.
(Ord. 2010-07, passed 11-3-10)
   (A)   The city, by and through its duly elected Mayor, is authorized to enter into agreements with the phone company, including but not limited to cellular phone providers, to provide for the construction, implementation and ongoing maintenance of "911" service within the local area. The agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year commencing on the service date, and shall be automatically renewable upon the same terms and conditions unless prior to thirty (30) days of the close of the twelve (12) month period either party notifies the other of its intention to modify and/or terminate the agreement.
   (B)   The agreement shall reflect the installation costs and the current tariffed recurring charges for Enhanced 911 service charged during the contract period.
(Ord. 2010-07, passed 11-3-10)
§ 99.03 "911" FEE.
   (A)   There is hereby established a "911" fee of one dollar and eighty-nine cents ($1.89) per month for each exchange telephone subscriber which is levied as a special tax, license and/or fee to be paid by each exchange telephone in the local area on an individual exchange line basis limited to a maximum of twenty-five (25) exchange lines per account, three (3) months prior to the service date, and each month thereafter. The "911" fee for wireless subscribers is collected from wireless phone carriers by CMRS Board and remitted to CMRS Board certified PSAP’s as outlined in KRS 65.7621 through 65.7643. No charge other than the CMRS service charge is authorized to be levied by any person or entity for providing wireless 911 service or wireless E911 service.
   (B)   Phone companies shall collect the "911" fee from the subscriber and remit to the city pursuant to the terms of the agreement.
(Ord. 2010-07, passed 11-3-10)
   (A)   There is established an Anderson County/City of Lawrenceburg Joint "911" Advisory Board which shall be comprised of the following individuals: The Anderson County Sheriff, the Police Chief for the City of Lawrenceburg, the Anderson County Fire Chief, the Fire Chief for the City of Lawrenceburg, the "911" Coordinator, the Anderson County Director of Public Safety, and one "at large" member, jointly appointed by agreement of the Anderson County Judge/Executive and the Mayor of the City of Lawrenceburg. The "at large" member shall be a private citizen and shall not be an employee of either the County of Anderson or the City of Lawrenceburg, and shall not hold any elected or appointed office or position in either jurisdiction. The Anderson County Judge/Executive and the Mayor of the City of Lawrenceburg shall serve as ex-officio members of the Board.
(Ord. 2010-07, passed 11-3-10)