(A) Work involving installation or removal of piping, fittings, or appliances where gas may be permitted to escape shall always be done with the gas turned off.
(B) No matches, candles, flame, or other sources of ignition shall be used in checking for gas leakage from piping, connections, or appliances.
('60 Code, § 5-12) (Ord. passed 6-3-67) Penalty, see § 152.99
The installation and repair of gas piping and appliances shall be done only by qualified gas fitters. This includes plumbers, fitters, and gas company employees who are properly trained and experienced in the work.
('60 Code, § 5-13) (Ord. passed 6-3-57) Penalty, see § 152.99
(A) A yardline is the customer's service line extending from the gas company's service line to the customer's building.
(B) The installation of the yardline shall be made in accordance with the gas company's specifications covering location, installation, kind and size of pipe, type of coating, or wrapping and methods of connecting the joints of pipe. The location shall be the point of easiest access to the gas company from its facilities, and the gas company shall be consulted and its approval obtained before the installation is made.
(C) After construction and before being placed in service, yardlines shall be tested with a stand-up air-pressure test of not less than 50 pounds per square inch for at least five minutes. Yardlines shall not be backfilled, covered, or concealed in any manner until approved by a representative of the gas company. Under no circumstances shall a yardline be permitted to pass through or under a building foundation underground.
('60 Code, § 5-14) (Ord. passed 6-3-57) Penalty, see § 152.99
(A) All piping, fittings, and connections shall be of a size and so installed as to provide a supply of gas sufficient to meet the maximum demand without undue pressure drop between the main and the appliances.
(B) All house piping shall be tested with air pressure of a minimum of three pounds per square inch and the piping required to hold this pressure for a minimum of ten minutes with no drop in pressure.
(C) No house piping is to be run where it is concealed and cannot be accessible for inspection. No house piping is to be run under concrete floors or aprons nor shall it go through or under a foundation underground.
(D) No copper tubing shall be allowed under the floor. Copper tubing connected to steel piping at the floor cannot be more than four feet long and cannot run through walls or partitions or in an attic.
('60 Code, § 5-15) (Ord. passed 6-3-57) Penalty, see § 152.99
(A) No gas appliances shall be installed or used except those approved by the American Gas Association or the Underwriter's Laboratories.
(B) All gas appliances shall be connected with the gas turned off and all appliance connections shall be tested with soap suds immediately after installation.
(C) No rubber hose or rubber tubing or lead pipe shall be used except for connecting appliances which are necessarily portable and then the connection must be of proper design, good quality and properly approved. In addition a shut-off valve must be provided readily accessible and firmly connected to the rigid pipe connection.
(D) All automatic gas water heaters must be provided with an approved automatic safety pilot. All water heaters shall be vented properly and shall never be installed in a bathroom or bedroom. All appliances designed and approved for venting shall be properly vented.
(E) All gas appliances shall be so located and installed so that they will be readily accessible for operation and adjustment and no appliance shall be installed in any location where the facilities for ventilation do not permit sufficient air for proper combustion at all times or where a hazard will be created by the installation.
('60 Code, § 5-16) (Ord. passed 6-3-57) Penalty, see § 152.99
(A) Any violation of a provision of this chapter is hereby classified as a civil offense pursuant to KRS 65.8808 and nothing contained herein or in §§ 39.01 et seq. shall prohibit the enforcement of this chapter by any other means authorized by law.
(B) Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined not less than five dollars ($5) nor more than fifty dollars ($50) if the violation is not contested and not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) if the violation is contested.
('60 Code, § 5-10) (Ord. passed 6-3-57; Am. Ord. 2005-12, passed 8-8-05)