The uniform application shall demonstrate compliance with the following design requirements:
   (A)   The site configuration should be formed by logical boundaries (e.g., topography. natural features, streets, relationship to adjacent uses, etc.)
   (B)   A cellular antenna tower or alternative antenna tower structure may not exceed a height of three hundred (300) feet when located in business, industrial or agricultural districts.
   (C)   When a cellular antenna tower is to be located in a business, industrial or agricultural district adjacent to residential districts, small community districts, historic districts or the Central Business District, the tower may not exceed a height of two hundred (200) feet, and shall be a monopole structure or co-located on an existing structure.
   (D)   Specified maximum heights additionally apply to any tower taller than fifteen (15) feet constructed on the top of another building or structure, and shall limit the height of the overall building/structure and tower as measured from grade to the highest point.
   (E)   Upon review of the applicant's justification, the Planning Commission may allow antenna towers greater than three hundred (300) feet in height if the structure meets all other criteria identified in these regulations.
   (F)   All cellular antenna towers shall meet the current ANSI/EIA/TIA 222-F standards and other applicable federal and state standards, which compliance shall be certified by an engineer registered in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
   (G)   Cellular antenna towers shall not be illuminated unless required by state or federal law or regulation.
   (H)   The site shall be unstaffed. Personnel may periodically visit the site for maintenance, equipment modification or repairs. To accommodate such visits, access shall be permitted only from approved access points.
   (I)   The site shall be enclosed by a security fence appropriate to the adjacent land use and not less than eight (8) feet tall barbed wire or sharp pointed fences are prohibited.
   (J)   All cellular antenna towers and sites shall be designed and constructed to minimize negative aesthetic, environmental and visual impacts. Visual screening shall be required along property lines of the site adjoining a residential district, small community district, historic district or the Central Business District. Options for screening include but are not limited to fencing, plant material or berms.
   (K)   No cellular antenna tower may be constructed on a site of less than five thousand (5,000) square feet in area.
   (L)   Surfaces of all driveways and off-street parking areas shall comply with the requirements of the applicable local zoning ordinance.
   (M)   No signs are permitted except those displaying emergency information, owner contact information, warning or safety instructions, or information required by a federal, state or local agency. No signs shall exceed five (5) square feet in area.
   (N)   All new cellular antenna towers and sites shall be designed and constructed so as to reasonably accommodate the aerial and ground equipment of at least three (3) service providers.
   (O)   All new cellular antenna towers shall accommodate and permit, free of charge, the co-location of telecommunications equipment required by police, fire and emergency medical services so long as these items do not interfere with existing and future communications needs of the structure's primary owner,
   (P)   No option, site lease or sale agreement shall prohibit co-location
   (Q)   All cellular antenna towers shall be constructed and maintained in either galvanized steel finish or light gray or light blue painted finish. Other finishes are prohibited unless specifically required by the FAA.
   (R)   In residential districts, small community districts, historic districts and the Central Business District, all cellular antenna towers and related structures shall comply with the yard setbacks for that district.
   (S)   In agricultural districts other than small community districts, all cellular antenna towers and related structures shall have a front yard setback of two hundred (200) feet and adhere to all other yard setbacks for that district.
   (T)   In all business, industrial and professional office districts, excluding historic districts and the Central Business District, all cellular antenna towers and related structures shall have a front yard setback of one hundred twenty-five (125) feet and adhere to the yard setbacks for that district. Towers shall be located so as to achieve the lowest possible visual impact.
   (U)   All antenna towers and related structures except fences shall be located at least one thousand (1000) feet from a scenic highway, or at a shorter distance if the surrounding natural topography is adequate to visually screen the tower.
   (V)   Should the Planning Commission or its duly authorized representative find that circumstances or conditions relating to a particular application are such that one or more of these requirements are not necessary or desirable for the protection of surrounding property or the public health, safety, and general welfare, or that special conditions or circumstances make one or more said requirements unreasonable, it may modify or waive such requirement(s), either permanently or on a temporary basis. Any such modification or waiver shall be requested by the applicant, who shall submit a written justification for each requested modification or waiver.
(Ord. 2010-06, passed 11-8-10)