(A)   Governmental Official Responsible. The cable communications officer is designated by the government as having primary responsibility for the continuing administration of the franchise and implementation of complaint procedures.
   (B)   Complaint Response. The grantee shall maintain a repair and maintenance crew capable of responding to subscriber complaints within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of the complaint. Charges may be made, as permitted by applicable law, to the subscriber for this service if the service call is not a result of a cable television system malfunction.
   (C)   Subscriber Notice of Complaint Procedures. The grantee shall establish procedures for receiving, acting upon, and resolving subscriber technical, customer service, cable service, non-cable service and billing complaints. The grantee shall furnish a notice of such procedures to each subscriber at the time of initial subscription to the system.
   (D)   Complaint Records. The grantee shall maintain a written record or "log", listing date and item of customer technical, customer service, cable service, non-cable service, and billing complaints, describing the nature of the technical, customer service, cable service, non-cable service, and billing complaints and when and what action was taken by the grantee in response thereto; such record shall be kept at grantee's regional office, reflecting the operations to date for a period of at least three (3) years, and shall be available for inspection by the government during normal business hours upon twenty-one (21) days written notice. If the grantee's regional office is not within one hundred and twenty miles (120) of the city, the grantee shall have the complaint records under this section sent to the government. The complaint log shall be sent to the cable communications officer annually for the first five years of this franchise. After the initial five (5) year period the complaint log shall be made available upon twenty-one (21) days written request.
(Ord. 1999-13, passed 11-8-99)