(A)   Grantee is hereby authorized to extend the cable system as necessary, as desirable or as required pursuant to the terms hereof within the city. Whenever grantee shall receive a request for service from at least eight (8) households within 2,640 feet (one-half mile) of its distribution plant, it shall extend its cable system to such potential subscribers at no cost other than the usual connection fees for all subscribers, provided that such extension is technically feasible and will not adversely affect the operation, financial condition or market development of the cable system. When counting the number of potential subscriber households requesting service under this provision, households then subscribing to a satellite direct-to-home service shall be counted as one fourth (1/4) household.
   (B)   No subscriber shall be refused service arbitrarily. However, for special circumstances (such as subscriber's request to locate the cable drop underground, or the need for under highway crossings, or the existence of more than two hundred fifty (250) feet between the distribution plant and the subscriber connection, or a density of less than eight (8) households within 2,640 feet of Distribution Plant), Cable Service may be made available on the basis of a capital contribution in aid of construction, including the cost of material, labor and easements. When counting the number of potential subscriber households within 500 feet of the distribution plant under this provision, households then subscribing to a satellite direct-to-home service shall be counted as one fourth (1/4) household. For the purpose of determining the amount of capital contribution in aid of construction to be borne by grantee and subscribers in the area in which cable service may be extended, grantee will contribute an amount equal to the construction and other costs per five hundred (500) feet, multiplied by a fraction whose numerator equals the actual number of potential subscribers desiring service within five hundred (500) feet of its distribution plant and whose denominator equals eight (8) subscribers. Potential subscribers will bear the remainder of the construction and other costs on a pro-rata basis. Grantee may require that the payment of the capital contribution in aid of construction to be borne by such potential subscribers be made in advance.
   (C)   Under normal operating conditions, extensions of the cable system made pursuant to this section shall be completed within forty-five (45) days after the conditions specified herein have been met and all necessary approvals and equipment, including without limitation, pole attachment agreements, governmental permits, and make-ready work, have been obtained or completed. Grantee shall submit applications, purchase orders, etc. necessary for such approvals within ten (10) business days after the conditions specified herein have been met.
(Ord. 1999-13, passed 11-8-99)