(A) Any chapter, section, or division amended or added to this code by ordinances passed subsequent to this code may be numbered in accordance with the numbering system of this code and printed for inclusion herein. Any chapter, section, or division repealed by subsequent ordinances may be excluded from this code by omission from reprinted pages. Subsequent ordinances as printed or omitted shall be prima facie evidence of such subsequent ordinances until Council shall adopt a new code of ordinances.
(B) The following language should be used by the city to amend, add, or repeal a chapter, section, or division:
(1) Section amended:
"Section of the Lawrenceburg Code of Ordinances is amended to read as follows: . . ."
(2) Section added:
"Section , which reads as follows, is added to and amends the Lawrenceburg Code of Ordinances: . . ."
(3) Section repealed:
"Section of the Lawrenceburg Code of Ordinances, which reads as follows, is repealed: . . ."
Form of amendment, see § 32.04
If the provisions of different codes, chapters, or sections of the codified ordinances conflict with or contravene each other, the provisions bearing the latest passage date shall prevail. If the conflicting provisions bear the same passage date, the conflict shall be so construed as to be consistent with the meaning or legal effect of the questions of the subject matter taken as a whole.
Reference to a public office or officer shall be deemed to apply to any office, officer, or employee of the city exercising the powers, duties, or functions contemplated in the provision, irrespective of any transfer of functions or change in the official title of the functionary.
If a manifest error be discovered consisting of the misspelling of any word or words, the omission of any word or words necessary to express the intention of the provisions affected, the use of a word or words to which no meaning can be attached, or the use of a word or words when another word or words was clearly intended to express the intention, the spelling shall be corrected, and the word or words supplied, omitted, or substituted as will conform with the manifest intention, and the provision shall have the same effect as though the correct words were contained in the text as originally published. No alteration shall be made or permitted if any question exists regarding the nature or extent of such error.
It shall be unlawful for any person in the city to change or amend by additions or deletions, any part or portion of this code, or to insert or delete pages, or portions thereof, or to alter or tamper with such code in any manner whatsoever which will cause the law of the city to be misrepresented thereby.
('60 Code, § 1-6) Penalty, see § 10.99