(A)   Connections that are greater than or equal to four inches in diameter shall be completely flushed, shall have connection valves exercised, and shall have connection fire hydrants exercised at intervals not exceeding 12 months. Given that serious problems may result from unregulated flushing, the water utility shall be notified in writing at least seven calendar days in advance of any flushing operation such that the water utility can authorize a time and date for flushing. A customer affidavit stating that flushing, valve exercising, and fire hydrant exercising has occurred shall be submitted to the water utility within 24 hours of the occurrence.
   (B)   In the event that the customer fails to provide an affidavit of flushing to the water utility within 24 hours of flushing, the water utility may cause the main to be flushed and the customer may be subject to a fee established by "An Ordinance Establishing Fees and Permits for the City of Lawrenceburg."
(Ord. 5-2012, passed 3-13-12)