§ 155.100 SUMMARY.
   (A)   Section includes:
      (1)   Cast-in-place structural concrete for concrete structures and exterior slabs on grade including but not limited to:
         (a)   Sidewalks;
         (b)   Driveways;
         (c)   Aprons;
         (d)   Roadways.
      (2)   Granular base and subbase below slab;
      (3)   Expansion joint filers;
      (4)   Curing and finishing;
      (5)   Protecting and cleaning.
   (B)   Quality control submittals.
      (1)   Mix design. Submit copies of each proposed mix design in accordance with ACI 301. Submit separate mix design for concrete to be placed by pumping in addition to the mix design for concrete to be placed directly from the truck chute.
      (2)   Include the following information in concrete mix design:
         (a)   Proportions of cement, fine and coarse aggregate and water;
         (b)   Water-cementations ratio, 28-day compressive design strength, slump, and air content;
         (c)   Type of cement and aggregate;
         (d)   Aggregate gradation;
         (e)   Type and dosage of admixtures;
         (f)   Special requirements for pumping;
         (g)   Special characteristics of mix which require precautions in mixing, placing, or finishing techniques to achieve finished product specified;
         (h)   Materials and methods for curing concrete.
(Ord. 16-2020, passed 12-7-20)