The following measures are hereby approved as effective means for minimizing erosion and sedimentation and shall be included where applicable in the control plan:
   (A)   Stripping of vegetation, grading or other development shall be done in such a way as to minimize erosion.
   (B)   Grading and development plans shall preserve salient natural features, keep cut and fill operations to a minimum, and ensure conformity with topography so as to create the least erosion potential and adequately handle the volume and velocity of surface water runoff.
   (C)   Whenever feasible, natural vegetation shall be retained, protected and supplemented.
   (D)   The undisturbed area and the duration of exposure shall be kept to a practical minimum.
   (E)   Disturbed soils shall be stabilized as quickly as practicable.
   (F)   Temporary vegetation and/or mulching shall be used to protect exposed critical areas during development.
   (G)   The permanent (final) vegetation and mechanical erosion control measures shall be installed as soon as practical in the development.
   (H)   Provisions shall be made to accommodate effectively the increased runoff caused by changed soil and surface conditions during and after development; where necessary, the rate of surface water runoff shall be mechanically retarded.
   (I)   Sediment in the runoff water shall be trapped until the disturbed area is stabilized by the use of debris basins, sediment basins, silt traps, or similar measures.
(`94 Code, § 151.51)