For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDONED. When used in conjunction with the term vehicle, means:
      (1)   Any vehicle located on public or private premises for a period of 14 days which does not have lawfully affixed thereto or displayed thereon a valid unexpired license plate permitting its operation upon the highways of this state.
      (2)   Any vehicle which is left on public premises continuously without being moved for a period of seven days.
      (3)   Any vehicle located on public premises illegally or in such manner as to constitute a hazard or unreasonable obstruction to the movement of pedestrian or other vehicle traffic on a public right-of- way, street or highway.
      (4)   Any vehicle that has remained on private premises without the consent of the owner or person in control of such premises, for more than 48 hours.
      (5)   Any vehicle from which there has been removed the engine or transmission or differential or which is otherwise partially dismantled or inoperable and left on public premises.
      (6)   Any vehicle from which there has been removed the engine or transmission or differential or which is otherwise partially dismantled or inoperable and left unattended for more than 21 days on private premises in a location visible from public premises and/or private premises at ground level.
      (7)   Any vehicle which has been removed by a towing service or a public agency upon request of an officer enforcing a provision of this code, statute or ordinance of the city other than this chapter, the violation of which may require the removal and impoundment of such motor vehicle and which motor vehicle once impounded is not claimed or redeemed by the owner or his agent within 30 days of its removal.
   AUTOMOBILE WRECKER. An automobile wrecking and parts business.
   BUREAU. The Bureau of Motor Vehicles of the state.
   COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner of the Bureau.
   DISPOSAL AGENT. Any firm or individual engaged in business as a scrap metal processor or automobile wrecker.
   OFFICER. Any regular member of the Indiana State Police, any regular member of the Lawrenceburg Police Department, or any regular member of the Dearborn County Sheriff's Department.
   OWNER. The last known record title holder to a vehicle according to the records of the Bureau under the provisions of I.C. 9-17.
   PARTS. All component parts of a vehicle which are in a state of disassembly, or are assembled with other vehicle component parts, but which, in their state of assembly, do not constitute a complete vehicle.
   PRIVATE PREMISES. All privately owned property which is not classified within the definition of public premises.
   PUBLIC PREMISES. Any public right-of-way, street, highway, alley, park or other state, county or municipally owned property.
   SCRAP METAL PROCESSOR. An establishment having facilities for processing iron, steel or nonferrous scrap and whose principal product is scrap iron and scrap steel or nonferrous scrap for sale.
   TOWING SERVICE. A business organized for the purpose of moving or removing disabled motor vehicles, and, once removed, to store or impound such motor vehicles.
   VEHICLE. Any motor vehicle, automobile, motorcycle, truck, trailer, semitrailer, truck tractor, bus, school bus, house car or motor bicycle.
(Am. Res. 17-2007, passed 10-1-07)