§ 158.01 PURPOSE.
   (A)   Purpose of environmental regulations:
      (1)   To protect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Lawrenceburg; and
      (2)   To ensure the preservation and continued use and enjoyment of the environment and ecosystem; and
      (3)   To enhance property values and attract new residents; and
      (4)   To ensure the viability of the corporation limits; and
      (5)   It is deemed essential by the City that these protections be put in place and enforced.
   (B)   These purposes are advanced through a prohibition against the importing of certain materials and storage, in any form, whether temporary or permanent in nature, within the corporate boundaries of the City of Lawrenceburg.
   (C)   It is the intention of the city through this chapter to preserve and protect the public health and environment and to enforce these provisions as necessary to that end.
(Ord. 5-2018, passed 3-8-18)