(A)   That the foregoing sexual harassment policy shall apply to all city employees, officers, directors and elected officials; and, shall include all boards, commissions and committees of the city;
   (B)   That the written policy statement be disseminated to all city employees and, that they be provided with a training session to explain the necessity, nature and content of the policy within 30 days of the date this section is adopted; and, that all future employees, officers, directors and elected officials be provided with copies of this policy and training thereon within 30 days of the date of their first employment;
   (C)   That the sexual harassment policy statement be posted at those places where employee notices are generally displayed.
   (D)   That the sexual harassment policy statement to be disseminated shall read as follows:
      (1)   Sexual Harassment Policy. The City of Lawrenceburg strives to provide a place of work free of sexual harassment, intimidation or exploitation. It is expected that all city employees covered by this policy will treat one another with respect.
      (2)   Unwelcome sexual advance, requests for sexual favors, visual conduct (such as inappropriate brochures, posters, calendars or symbols displayed in the workplace), physical conduct (such as unwelcome or offensive touching, or blocking someone's path) and nonverbal conduct (such as whistling, leering or offensive hand gestures) all constitute harassment when:
         (a)   It is implicitly or explicitly suggested that submission or rejection of the conduct will be a factor in employment decisions or evaluations; or
         (b)   The conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating or hostile work environment.
      (3)   If you feel that you or another employee has been harassed in any way, notify your manager or supervisor; or your manager or supervisor's superior. Reports of sexual harassment are taken seriously and will be dealt with promptly. The specific action taken in any particular case depends on the nature and gravity of the conduct directly reported and may include intervention, mediation, investigation, and the initiation of the grievance and disciplinary process. Where sexual harassment is found to have occurred, the city will act to stop the harassment, prevent its recurrence, and discipline and or take appropriate action against those responsible.
      (4)   The City of Lawrenceburg recognizes that confidentiality is important. Sexual harassment advisers and others responsible to implement this policy will respect the confidentiality and privacy of individuals reporting or accused of sexual harassment to the extent reasonably possible.
      (5)   Retaliation and/or reprisals against individuals who, in good faith, report or provide information in an investigation about behavior that may violate this policy are against the law and will not be tolerated. Intentionally making a false report of providing false information, however, is grounds for discipline.
(Res. 15-2002, passed 10- -02)