§ 5-3-2-6. ENFORCEMENT.
   (A)   Utility personnel may be utilized to monitor and address violations of mandatory prohibitions. At the direction of the Mayor, other city agencies or departments may be utilized to assist the utility in monitoring mandatory restrictions. During a time for observing voluntary restrictions, utility personnel may, upon encountering a use that is discouraged, provide water conservation literature to the persons or business engaging in undesirable practices.
   (B)   During a period of mandatory restriction, all first violations shall be subject to a $100 fine. A second offense during the same period of restriction shall be subject to a fine of $250. After three or more offenses, these violations may be referred to the city’s legal staff for further legal action, which may include a recommendation from the Utility Service Board for fines of up to $2,500 but not less than $500 and/or disconnection of water service.
   (C)   Commercial irrigation systems, including those irrigation systems located in common areas of residential subdivisions, found to be in violation of mandatory restrictions shall be fined $250 for the first offense. Upon a second offense, the utility shall terminate the irrigation water service and remove the meter serving the system.
(Ord. 8, 2010, passed 4-5-2010)