§ 5-2-6-27. STOP-WORK ORDER.
   (A)   Whenever the City Civil Engineer discovers the existence of any of the circumstances listed below, he or she is empowered to issue an order requiring the suspension of the land alteration. The stop-work order shall be in writing and shall state to what land alteration it is applicable and the reason for its issuance. One copy of the stop-work order shall be posted on the property in a conspicuous place and one copy shall be delivered to the permit applicant and, if conveniently possible, to the person doing the land alteration and to the owner of the property or his or her agent. The stop-work order shall state the conditions under which land alteration may be resumed. A stop-work order may be issued if:
      (1)   Land alteration is proceeding in an unsafe manner;
      (2)   Land alterations are occurring in violation of a storm water management requirement and in such a manner that if land alteration is allowed to proceed, there is a probability that it will be substantially difficult to correct the violation;
      (3)   Land alteration is occurring in violation of a storm water management requirement and a period of time no longer than 15 calendar days has elapsed since written notice of the violation or noncompliance was either posted on the property in a conspicuous place or given to the person doing the land alteration, without the violation or noncompliance being corrected;
      (4)   Land alteration for which a storm water permit is required is proceeding without a storm water permit being in force. In such instance the stop-work order shall indicate that the effect of the order terminates when the required storm water permit is obtained; or
      (5)   Land alteration for which a storm water permit was issued more than 30 days earlier is proceeding without there being in force applicable permits and approvals required by governmental units (including but not limited to: the City of Lawrence, Indianapolis Department of Capital Asset Management, Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Indiana Department Environmental Management, Indiana Department of Transportation, Indiana Department of Health) for compliance with standards of air quality, storm water drainage, flood control, building construction, land use, zoning, vehicular access and waste treatment and disposal on the real estate on which land alteration is occurring; in such an instance, the stop-work order shall indicate that the order is applicable to all land alteration allowed by the storm water permit and that the effect of the order terminates if the required permits and approvals are obtained.
   (B)   This sanction shall in no way limit the operation of penalties provided elsewhere in this chapter.
(Ord. 6, 2008, passed 5-5-2008)