No person shall initiate, undertake or accomplish any land alteration or land disturbing activity equal to or in excess of one acre or operations that result in land disturbance of less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan or that will ultimately result in land disturbance of one acre or more without having in force a written storm water permit obtained from the City Civil Engineer; provided, except in the case where a storm water facility is disturbed, that a storm water permit shall not be required for:
(A) Excavation of cemetery graves;
(B) Solid waste disposal and gravel operations sites where storm water drainage is controlled by other regulations;
(C) Excavation for wells, excavation and backfills for poles, conduits and wires of utility companies;
(D) Exploratory excavations or soil testing under the direction and control of professional engineers, soil engineers, geologists, civil engineers, architects or land surveyors, which are backfilled;
(E) Ordinary cultivation of agricultural land, including tilling, terracing, construction of minor open ditches and crop irrigation;
(F) The planting and tilling of gardens, flower beds, shrubs, trees and other common uses and minor landscaping of land appurtenant to residences;
(G) Fill and grading of the former basement site after the demolition of a structure, to conform to adjacent terrain;
(H) Fill of small holes caused by erosion, settling of earth, or the removal of such materials as dead trees, posts or concrete;
(I) Landscaping not for the purpose of or having the effect of obstructing or diverting drainage;
(J) Maintenance and repair of drainage facilities;
(K) Driveway construction, septic system installation and building sanitary sewer installation when a proper City permit has been obtained;
(L) An enlargement or exterior change that does not exceed 1,000 square feet in floor area to an existing structure, when no part of the structure, or the enlargement or exterior change to the structure, located in an impacted drainage area and no part of the existing drainage area and no part of the existing drainage system is modified;
(M) Placement of an accessory structure to a one- or two-family dwelling, when the accessory structure is not located on a permanent foundation;
(N) Exterior changes to a structure which do not change the ground floor area of the structure;
(O) Construction of a deck or awning;
(P) Installation of subsurface drainage tile for ground water control in conjunction with an existing structure, or as a perimeter drain for existing septic field;
(Q) A repaving of existing hard surface area, excluding gravel parking lots, providing the existing drainage pattern will not be altered as a part of the proposed work; or
(R) Roadway projects initiated by the Indiana Department of Transportation.
(Ord. 6, 2008, passed 5-5-2008)