(A)   The general standards herein set out relative to the qualifications of every applicant for any City license issued under this chapter shall be considered and applied by the Board of Public Works prior to the approval of the application.
   (B)   The applicant shall:
      (1)   Be of good character. In making that determination, the Board of Public Works and Safety shall consider:
         (a)   Penal history. All convictions, the reasons therefor, and the demeanor of the applicant subsequent thereto; and
         (b)   License history. The license history of the applicant, whether the person, in previously operating in this or another state under a license, has had the license revoked or suspended, the reasons therefor, and the demeanor of the applicant subsequent to the action. A routine check with the Better Business Bureau will be made of all applicants.
      (2)   Not be in default under the provisions of this chapter or indebted or obligated in any manner to the City except for current taxes.