(A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      (1)   COLONY. One or more free-roaming cats, whether unmanaged or managed.
      (2)   COLONY CARETAKER. A person who provides food, water and/or shelter for free-roaming cats in a managed colony. COLONY CARETAKERS shall not be deemed to be owners or keepers of such animals as these terms are defined in § 3-3-1-1.
      (3)   DESIGNEE. An organization recognized by the Lawrence Police Department/Animal Control that uses the trap-neuter-return method for stabilizing and reducing the free-roaming cat population.
      (4)   FREE-ROAMING CAT. Any homeless, stray, feral or undomesticated cat.
      (5)   MANAGED COLONY. A colony of free-roaming cats that is registered with the Lawrence Police Department/Animal Control or its designee and is maintained by a colony caretaker using the trap-neuter-return method to stabilize and reduce the free-roaming cat population.
   (B)   Unauthorized caretaking prohibited.
      (1)   It shall be unlawful to provide food, water or shelter to a colony of free-roaming cats:
         (a)   That is not registered with the Lawrence Police Department/Animal Control or its designee; or
         (b)   Without implementing the trap-neuter-return method as set forth in this section.
      (2)   A person who violates any provision of this section shall be punished as provided in the general penalty section of the Municipal Code, § 1-1-2-3; provided, however, a fine imposed for the first such violation shall not be less than $25; subsequent or continued violations may also result in the animals’ impoundment by the enforcement authority.
   (C)   Managed free-roaming cats.
      (1)   The Lawrence Police Department/Animal Control or its designee, in order to encourage the stabilization and reduction of the free-roaming cat population in the City of Lawrence, may:
         (a)   Trap any free-roaming cat in a humane manner;
         (b)   Have the cat surgically sterilized, ear-tipped and vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian; and
         (c)   Release the cat for adoption or other disposition in accordance with law or to a colony caretaker who will maintain the cat as part of a managed colony of free-roaming cats.
      (2)   The enforcement authority may impound free-roaming cats in violation of this section and dispose of the cats in accordance with applicable law. Any free-roaming cat impounded by the enforcement authority that bears an appropriate ear-tipping indicating it belongs to a managed colony may, at the discretion of the Lawrence Police Department/Animal Control or its designee, be returned to its managed colony, unless illness or injury present an imminent danger to public health or safety. Seriously ill or injured cats with no reasonable prognosis for humane rehabilitation for survival outdoors may be humanely euthanized.
   (D)   Colony caretaker responsibilities.
      (1)   Colony caretakers shall abide by standard guidelines devised by the Lawrence Police Department/Animal Control or its designee regarding the provision of food, water, shelter and veterinary care for cats within the managed colony.
      (2)   A person who violates this section shall be punished as provided in the general penalty section of the Municipal Code, § 1-1-2-3; provided, however, a fine imposed for the first such violation shall not be less than $25; subsequent or continued violations may result in the caretaker’s removal from management of the managed colony.
(Ord. 4, 2006, passed 3-6-2006) Penalty, see § 1-1-2-3