(A)   The Chief of Police, or his or her designee, is authorized to temporarily close any street or highway within the jurisdiction of the city in an impending or existing emergency, or for any lawful assemblage, special event, demonstration, or procession, provided there is reasonable justification for the closing of such street, as determined by the Chief of Police or his or her designee.
   (B)   The Chief of Police, or his or her designee, is authorized to temporarily prohibit parking on any street or highway, or part thereof, within the jurisdiction of the city, in an impending or existing emergency or for any lawful assemblage, special event, demonstration or procession, provided there is reasonable justification for such prohibition, as determined by the Chief of Police or his or her designee. Vehicles parked in places where parking is prohibited temporarily pursuant to this section, may be moved by or at the direction of a City Police Officer. Such parking restrictions may also be applied whenever any other dangerous or harmful conditions render vehicle removal necessary for the public safety surrounding the special event.
   (C)   The Chief of Police, or his or her designee, is authorized to temporarily allow for parking in areas where parking is normally not permitted within the jurisdiction of the city, in an impending or existing emergency or for any lawful assemblage, special event, demonstration or procession, provided there is reasonable justification for permitting such parking, as determined by the Chief of Police or his or her designee.
   (D)   Temporary signs shall be installed in advance of the event to notify the public when the street/highway will be closed or when normal parking conditions will be altered or prohibited. The signs shall be removed when the event has concluded, and the street/highway is reopened and normal parking conditions are resumed.
   (E)   The Director of Public Works/Director of Engineering, or his or her designee, is hereby authorized to temporarily prohibit parking on any street or highway, or part thereof, and/or otherwise alter the normal parking conditions within the jurisdiction of the city, in an impending or existing snow emergency, construction emergency, or other emergency event as declared by the Mayor. Vehicles parked in places where parking is prohibited temporarily may be moved by or at the direction of a City Police Officer. Such parking restrictions may also be applied whenever any other dangerous or harmful conditions render vehicle removal necessary for the public safety surrounding the event.
   (F)   Temporary signs shall be installed to notify the public when parking is prohibited or otherwise altered due to an emergency. The signs shall be removed when the emergency is over and parking is allowed.
   (G)   The provisions of these rules and regulations shall not apply to drivers actually engaged in work upon a street or highway closed to travel or under construction or repair, to police officers or other city employees when engaged in the performance of public duties, nor to drivers of emergency vehicles while operating in an emergency and in performance of public duties when the nature of the work of any of these circumstances necessitates a departure from any part of these rules and regulations. These exceptions shall not, however, protect the driver of a vehicle from the consequence of a reckless disregard of the safety of others.
(Ord. 14, 2020, passed 11-18-2020; Am. Ord. 21, 2022, passed 9-6-2022)