(A)   The legislative branch of the City of Lawrence is the Common Council, established pursuant to I.C. 36-4-4 and 36-4-6.
   (B)   The Common Council shall have exclusive authority to adopt ordinances, to appropriate tax monies received by the City and to perform all other necessary and desirable legislative functions as prescribed by I.C. 36-4-4, 36-4-6, 36-4-7, 36-4-8 and 36-4-9 as well as all other statutes applicable to the Common Council.
   (C)   The City Clerk shall be the clerk of the Common Council, as prescribed by I.C. 36-4-6-9.
   (D)   The rules of procedure for the Common Council shall be those prescribed in Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, any applicable state statutes and such other rules as the Common Council may from time to time adopt and amend.