All ordinances of a general and permanent nature in force at the time of publication of this code in its entirety are hereby repealed from and after the effective date of this code, provided that this repeal shall not have any effect in any of the following cases:
   (A)   On any offense committed, forfeiture or penalty occurring, or on litigation or proceedings pending when this code takes effect;
   (B)   On any rights, property or claim acquired, franchise granted, amendment to or extension of any contract entered into under any existing ordinance;
   (C)   On any existing tax levy, assessment or loan thereunder;
   (D)   On any ordinance or resolution guaranteeing payment of money by the City or authorizing issuance of bonds by the City or any other indebtedness or obligation of the City or on any salary schedule;
   (E)   On any annexation ordinance; and
   (F)   Any existing license regularly issued by the City shall continue in force for the purpose issued until the expiration of the period for which it was granted.