A.   Driveways Required: Building permits for new home construction and new garage construction shall specify and require a driveway from the main or front entrance of each garage to the point where the lot line abuts a public or private street. Each driveway shall be constructed of either asphalt or cement and shall be at least the width of the garage opening plus two feet (2'), except in the case of a flag lot which shall be subject to the width and surface requirements set forth in section 10-7-12 of this title.
   B.   Number: Not more than two (2) driveways shall be used for each one hundred feet (100') or fraction thereof of frontage on any street utilizing high back curb and gutter.
   C.   Distance: No two (2) of said driveways shall be closer to each other than twelve feet (12').
   D.   Curb Cutting: Each driveway cut in high back curb shall be not more than thirty five feet (35') in width, measured at right angles to the centerline of the driveway, except as increased by permissible curb return radii. The entire flare of any return radius shall fall within the right of way.
   E.   Corner Lot: No driveway shall be closer than twenty five feet (25') to the intersection, measured along the property line.
   F.   Safety Island: In all cases in commercial zones where there is an existing high back curb and gutter or sidewalk on the street, the applicant for a permit shall provide a safety island along the entire frontage of the property, except for the permitted driveway. On the two (2) ends and street side of each such island shall be constructed a concrete curb, the height, location and structural specifications of which shall be approved by the city engineer. (Ord. 2006-32, 10-4-2006)
   G.   Shared Parking Facilities: Shared parking facilities may be used jointly with parking facilities for other uses when operations are not normally conducted during the same hours, or when peak uses vary.
Requests for shared parking are subject to the approval of the planning commission. Requests shall be subject to the following guidelines. Sufficient evidence shall be presented to show that there will be no substantial conflict in the periods of peak demand of uses for which the joint use is proposed.
      1.   The number of parking stalls which may be credited against the requirements for the uses involved will not exceed the number of spaces that may normally be required for any one of the uses sharing the parking.
      2.   Parking facilities shall not be located further than two hundred feet (200') from any use proposing to use such parking and should be contiguous to the businesses sharing the lot.
      3.   A written agreement shall be executed by all parties concerned assuring the continued availability of shared parking facilities in the event that one of the uses shall be sold or otherwise change ownership or management. (Ord. 99-07, 6-16-1999; amd. Ord. 2006-32, 10-4-2006)
   H.   Overflow Parking: All parking lots or stalls in excess of the minimum requirements for section 10-10-4 of this chapter constitute overflow parking, and may be provided at the property or business owner's discretion. (Ord. 2002-08, 7-17-2002; amd. Ord. 2006-32, 10-4-2006)