AASHTO: American association of state highway and transportation officials.
ADA: Americans with disabilities act.
ADT: Average daily traffic.
ANSI: American national standards institute.
ASTM: American society for testing and materials.
CALTRANS: California transportation department.
DUs: Dwelling units.
FEMA: Federal emergency management act.
FESWMS: Federal emergency storm water management service.
FHWA: Federal highway administration.
HEC: Hydraulic engineer circular.
ITE: Institute of transportation engineers.
MUTCD: Manual on uniform traffic control devices.
PC: Point of curve.
PI: Point of intersection.
PT: Point of tangent.
PUD: Planned unit development.
TIS: Traffic impact study.
UDOT: Utah department of transportation. (Ord. 2006-23, 7-5-2006)