A.   License Required: All dogs must be licensed each year in accordance with the following:
   B.   Time Limit to Obtain: Any owner or other person having the care, custody or control of a dog shall be required to obtain a license for such dog within thirty (30) days after the dog reaches the age of four (4) months, or within five (5) days of the date of the acquisition of an unlicensed dog which is four (4) months or older.
   C.   Application for License: An application for licensing of a dog must be submitted to the city office or animal shelter on a form prescribed by the city, containing the following information:
      1.   The name, address, telephone number and email address of the applicant, and, if the applicant is not the owner of the dog, the name, address, telephone number and email address of the owner.
      2.   The breed, sex, color and age of the dog.
      3.   The date of rabies vaccination, accompanied by a vaccination certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian.
   D.   Fees: The annual license fee in such amount as may be established from time to time by resolution of the LaVerkin City Council shall accompany the license application.
   E.   Effective Date: Any license issued pursuant to this section shall be effective from the date of purchase through the end of December of the same calendar year. A new application must be submitted, and a new license by the end of February for the current calendar year. Any license not obtained by the end of February shall be subject to a late fee.
   F.   License Tags: Upon payment of the license fee and issuance of the license, the Division of Animal Control shall issue to the owner a certificate and a license tag for each dog licensed subject to the following:
      1.   The tag shall have stamped thereon the license number corresponding with the tag number on the certificate.
      2.   The owner shall attach the tag to the collar or harness of the animal and see that the collar and the tag are constantly worn.
      3.   Failure to attach the tag as provided shall be in violation of this chapter, except that dogs which are kept primarily for show purposes are exempt from wearing the tag.
      4.   Dog tags are not transferable from one dog to another.
      5.   No refunds shall be made on any dog license fee for any reason whatsoever.
      6.   Replacements for lost or destroyed tags shall be issued upon proof of prior receipt and payment of $2.00 to the Division of Animal Control.
      7.   Any person removing or causing to be removed the collar, harness or tag from any licensed dog without the consent of the owner or keeper thereof, except a licensed veterinarian or animal control officer who removes such for medical and other reasons, shall be in violation of this chapter.
   G.   Exemptions to licensing requirements. The provisions of subsections A through F of this section shall not apply to:
      1.   Dogs which have a current, valid license from another city/town and whose owners are not residents of the City but who are in the City for less than thirty (30) days.
      2.   Dogs licensed elsewhere and whose owners remain in the City for more than thirty (30) days may transfer the license for up to two dogs to a City license upon payment of a $5.00 fee and submission of proof of current rabies vaccination. (Ord. 2024-15, 8-7-2024)