Patrol sergeants shall possess the attributes and qualifications listed below. Patrol sergeants shall be appointed by the police chief and shall serve under the direction of the chief of police.
   A.   Have successfully completed peace officer certification and training as prescribed by Utah Code Annotated section 53-6-201 et seq. (1953, as amended), and provide evidence of successful completion.
   B.   Have been a member of the department for at least two (2) years.
   C.   Is not currently on probation or under disciplinary action of any kind.
   D.   Pass a written and oral exam.
   E.   Complete forty (40) hours of annual certified training in first line supervision, general patrol tactics, general investigative tactics, and any other training as directed by the police chief.
   F.   Attain or complete such other attributes or qualifications as the chief of police, mayor and city council may from time to time impose. (Ord. 2006-30, 9-20-2006)