If it is determined by the fire chief or his authorized representative, or the chief of police or his authorized representative that a "public nuisance", as herein defined, exists on any lot, place or area, or upon any street, sidewalk, or public right of way abutting the same, the chief of the fire department or the chief of police or an authorized representative shall cause a notice to be issued to abate such nuisance. Such notice shall be headed "Notice To Clean Premises"; shall contain a description of the property in general terms reasonably sufficient to identify the location of the nuisance; shall describe the nuisance in terms reasonably sufficient to identify the same; shall direct the abatement of the nuisance; shall specify the penalty provision as provided herein; and shall specify the appeal process as provided herein. Such notice may be on a form prescribed by the city. (Ord. 1991-1, 6-13-1991)