(A)   Permit required; must apply for permit. A storm water permit is required for all development and redevelopment unless exempt pursuant to this chapter. A permit may only be issued subsequent to a properly submitted and reviewed permit application, pursuant to this section.
   (B)   Effect of permit.
      (1)   A storm water permit shall govern the design, installation and construction of storm water management and control practices on the site, including structural BMPs and elements of site design for storm water management other than structural BMPs.
      (2)   The permit is intended to provide a mechanism for the review, approval and inspection of the approach to be used for the management and control of storm water for the development or redevelopment site consistent with the requirements of this chapter, whether the approach consists of structural BMPs or other techniques such as low-impact or low-density design. The permit does not continue in existence indefinitely after the completion of the project, rather, compliance after project construction is assured by the maintenance provisions of this chapter.
   (C)   Authority to file applications. All applications required pursuant to this code shall be submitted to the Storm Water Administrator by the land owner or the land owner’s duly authorized agent.
   (D)   Establishment of application requirements, schedule and fees.
      (1)   Application contents and form. The Storm Water Administrator shall establish requirements for the content and form of all applications and shall amend and update those requirements from time to time. At a minimum, the storm water permit application shall describe in detail how post-development storm water runoff will be controlled and managed, the design of all storm water facilities and practices and how the proposed project will meet the requirements of this chapter.
      (2)   Submission schedule. The Storm Water Administrator shall establish a submission schedule for applications, which shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Council. The schedule shall establish deadlines by which complete applications must be submitted for the purpose of ensuring that there is adequate time to review applications, and that the various stages in the review process are accommodated.
      (3)   Permit review fees. The Town Council shall establish permit review fees as well as policies regarding refund of any fees upon withdrawal of an application, and may amend and update the fees and policies from time to time.
      (4)   Administrative manual. For applications required under this code, the Storm Water Administrator shall compile the application requirements, submission schedule, fee schedule, a copy of this chapter and information on how and where to obtain the Design Manual in an Administrative Manual, which shall be made available to the public.
   (E)   Submittal of complete application.
      (1)   Applications shall be submitted to the Storm Water Administrator pursuant to the application submittal schedule in the form established by the Storm Water Administrator, along with the appropriate fee established pursuant to this section.
      (2)   An application shall be considered as timely submitted only when it contains all elements of a complete application pursuant to this chapter, along with the appropriate fee. If the Storm Water Administrator finds that an application is incomplete, the applicant shall be notified of the deficient elements and shall be provided with an opportunity to submit a complete application. However, the submittal of an incomplete application shall not suffice to meet a deadline contained in the submission schedule established above.
   (F)   Review.
      (1)   Within 45 working days after a complete application is submitted, the Storm Water Administrator shall review the application and determine whether the application complies with the standards of this chapter.
         (a)   Approval. If the Storm Water Administrator finds that the application complies with the standards of this chapter, the Storm Water Administrator shall approve the application. The Storm Water Administrator may impose conditions of approval as needed to ensure compliance with this chapter. The conditions shall be included as part of the approval.
         (b)   Failure to comply. If the Storm Water Administrator finds that the application fails to comply with the standards of this chapter, the Storm Water Administrator shall notify the applicant and shall indicate how the application fails to comply. The applicant shall have an opportunity to submit a revised application.
         (c)   Revision and subsequent review. A complete revised application shall be reviewed by the Storm Water Administrator within 30 working days after its re-submittal and shall be approved, approved with conditions or disapproved.
      (2)   If a revised application is not re-submitted within 30 calendar days from the date the applicant was notified, the application shall be considered withdrawn, and a new submittal for the same or substantially the same project shall be required along with the appropriate fee.
      (3)   One re-submittal of a revised application may be submitted without payment of an additional permit review fee. Any re-submittal after the first re-submittal shall be accompanied by an additional permit review fee, as established pursuant to this chapter.
(Ord. passed 1-15-2008)