A. Appointment: The "Coordinator of Disaster Services" means the administrative head of the Latah County Office of Disaster Services, and shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. (Ord. 251, 7-7-2004, eff. 7-7-2004)
B. General Powers And Duties: The Coordinator will provide primary assistance to that Board and to the Mayors of cities in Latah County. The Coordinator is empowered to: (Ord. 251, 7-7-2004, eff. 7-7-2004; amd. 2018 Code)
1. Coordinate and direct the effort of the Disaster Services Organization of the County for the accomplishment of the purpose of this chapter.
2. Establish and maintain an Emergency Operations Center for controlling and directing emergency operations.
3. Represent the Disaster Services Organization of the County in all dealings with public or private agencies pertaining to disaster services.
4. Coordinate the preparation and implementation of plans and programs for emergency preparedness which are consistent with National and State plans and programs.
5. Provide for updating and testing of the County Emergency Operations Plan and training of County personnel for damage assessment, damage survey and radiological monitoring.
C. Disaster And Emergency Powers:
1. Coordinate disaster services of all County agencies during any natural, manmade, or enemy caused disaster.
2. Coordinate all requests from local governments for disaster services.
3. Coordinate use of communications and warning in the County Emergency Operations Center.
4. Execute all of the special powers conferred upon him or her by this chapter or by resolution adopted pursuant thereto, all powers conferred upon him by statute, agreement approved by the County Commissioners, or other lawful authority.
D. Alternate Coordinator: In the event that the Coordinator of Disaster Services is absent or unable to function in that capacity, the Chairman or designated member of the Board of County Commissioners shall serve as or appoint an Alternate Coordinator of Disaster Services. (Ord. 251, 7-7-2004, eff. 7-7-2004)