Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
1813 | 8-4-2003 | Approving subdivision plat of Galas Subdivision located on East side of LaHarpe Street between 1360 LaHarpe and 1414 LaHarpe Street |
1815 | 9-2-2003 | Approving subdivision plat for property located at 533 Garfield Avenue |
1816 | 9-2-2003 | Approving first and final plat of Bedenko Subdivision located at 502 Edwards Avenue |
1830 | 1-5-2004 | Approving subdivision of Yaklich’s Subdivision located at 101 Garfield Avenue |
1845 | 6-14-2004 | Approving subdivision plat of Golfview Estates, Second Subdivision - Phase 2 |
1865 | 10-11-2004 | Approving final plat subdivision of Ossola’s Subdivision located at 2126 Creve Couer Street |
1866 | 10-25-2004 | Approving re-subdivision of portion of Golfview Estates, Second Subdivison - Phase 2 commonly described as being 25, 35 and 45 Brookview Drive in Golfview Estates Subdivision |
1878 | 12-6-2004 | Approving first and final plat of Fouts re-subdivision of a part of lots 1, 2 and 3 in Hartshorn’s Subdivision located at 506 East US Route 6, 2794 East 508th Road, 2796 East 508th Road, 2798 East 508th Road and which are located on the south side of Route 6 and East of 508th Road |
1906 | 5-9-2005 | Approving Schmidt-Tracy, Inc Subdivision, a re-subdivision of lot 4 in Senica’s Industrial Park Subdivision |
2059 | 3-26-2007 | Approving Westbrook Subdivision, located at 602 North 29th Road |
2060 | 3-26-2007 | Approving Wright Subdivision, located at 2295 Washington Street |
2342 | 4-24-2012 | Approving are-subdivision of Lots 8, 13, 14, part of Lot 12, and art of the public alley in Block 93, and part of Gooding and Third Streets, known as the LaSalle Dollar General Subdivision |
2382 | 10-23-2012 | Approval of a preliminary plat of North Terraces Subdivision, located on the south side of North 2969th Road |
2383 | 10-23-2012 | Approving the final plat of the North Terraces Subdivision, located on the south side of North 2969th Road |
2445 | 6-18-2013 | Approving consolidation plat of a portion of Block 27 within the City of LaSalle, being a re-subdivision of certain lots and part of the public alley in Block 27 between 8th and 9th Streets between LaHarpe Street and Sterling Street |
2493 | 7-1-2014 | Approving waiver of a preliminary plat and approval of a final plat of the subdivision commonly known as the Kemp Smith and Cathy Smith premises |
2506 | 10-7-2014 | Approving a consolidation plat, being a re-subdivision of part of Block 43, referred to as the LaSalle Peru Township High School District #120 premises |
2525 | 12-2-2014 | Approving a consolidation plat, being a re-subdivision of part of Block 95, referred to as Lot 1 in Beck’s Resubdivision of Part of Block 95 |
2527 | 12-2-2014 | Approving dedicated improvements to the Country Aire Subdivision, Phase I |
2535 | 12-16-2014 | Rescinding and repealing Ordinance 1960 regarding a Planned Unit Development and preliminary plat involving the former premises commonly known as the Frontier Lodge premises, located in the vicinity of the northwest corner of the intersection of Routes 178 and 80 |
2536 | 12-16-2014 | Formalizing cancellation and rescission of a prior predevelopment agreement between the city and Frontier Lodge, regarding property located in the vicinity of the northwest corner of the intersection of Routes 178 and 80 |
2540 | 1-13-2015 | Approving a plat of a subdivision for premises located at 428 and 428 ½ Gooding Street |
2661 | 10-24-2016 | Approving final plat of subdivision for Peru Federal Addition to the city |
2771 | 11-19-2018 | Approving final plat of subdivision for premises commonly known as part of 905 11th Street (formerly used as St. Hyacinth’s school) |
2828 | 7-29-2019 | Approving a consolidation plat of a portion of PIN # 18-10-103-020, and all of PIN #s 18-10-103-021 and 18-10-120-017 in connection with premises commonly known as 2345 St. Vincent Avenue known as the DG LaSalle Subdivision |