(A)   The owner of a rental residential property shall maintain a record for each property with the full legal names of every tenant or occupant residing in each dwelling unit or rooming unit.
   (B)   The owner or property agent of a rental residential property shall provide the City of LaSalle and each tenant with the name and telephone number of a responsible person who, in emergency situations, will be available on a 24 hour basis and who has the authority to make repairs as needed.
   (C)   The owner of a rental residential property shall inform each tenant in writing, prior to occupancy, of the maximum number of persons allowable by the occupancy standards of the city’s property maintenance code. This number shall be determined by the code official.
   (D)   The owner of a rental residential property shall make available to the code official, upon request, the tenant and occupant records required to be maintained under this section.
   (E)   Commencing with October 1, 2010, the owner of a rental residential property that has a common hallway/common entrance shall cause to be installed and equipped a key lock box on the exterior of the structure to aid the LaSalle Fire Department in gaining access to the common hallway/common entrance to the structure when responding to calls for emergency service; the owner of a residential rental property shall at all times keep a key in the lock box that will allow for access to the structure; additionally, the Fire Chief shall be authorized to implement such other rules and regulations as the Fire Chief deems appropriate within the Fire Chief’s discretion for the use of the lock box system.
(Ord. 2206, passed 1-11-2010; Am. Ord. 2332, passed 3-13-2012)