(A) Any masseur or masseuse permit may be revoked or suspended by the License Inspector, in any case where the masseur or masseuse has violated any provision of this chapter or fails the medical examination and testing required by § 118.08.
(B) The Mayor may delay the effective date of any suspension or revocation until after an opportunity for a hearing before the License Inspector, except for revocations or suspensions for failure to pass the medical examinations required in this chapter, or for suspensions or revocations based on any evidence that the masseur or masseuse has a communicable disease.
(C) The License Inspector shall give any masseuse or masseur whose permit has been suspended or revoked written notice of the charges and an opportunity to request a public hearing. Any requested hearing shall be held within 10 days of the suspension or revocation, whether or not the suspension or revocation was effective immediately.
(Ord. 1096, passed 9-9-1985)