It shall be unlawful for any person, owner, or occupant of any property zoned or used for residential purposes to conduct and/or allow garage sales upon such property in the city for more than 3 garage sales during any 12-month period, each of which garage sales may last up to, but not more than, 3 consecutive calendar days. Any part of a calendar day in which a garage sale is conducted shall constitute 1 day for purposes of this chapter. Additionally, in connection with the 3 allowed garage sales during any 12-month period, it shall be unlawful to have a second garage sale on the next consecutive week following the completion of a prior garage sale during the preceding week. Additionally, nothing contained herein shall be construed as prohibiting the completion of a garage sale that commenced at the end of 1 week and continued into the first or second day of the next week. (i.e., Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Saturday, Sunday, Monday.)
(Ord. 1861, passed 9-27-2004)