The City Council finds that:
(A) Supplies and equipment used during hazardous material responses are a continuously increasing expense for the city;
(B) Supplies needed for hazardous material responses are often specifically fabricated materials that absorb spilled products without deterioration and are, therefore, very costly;
(C) Much of the equipment used at such responses must be replaced after only a few episodes, depending upon the amount of exposure and the material encountered;
(D) Overtime personnel are often called back to assist in neutralizing the situation or are deployed on reserve apparatus during such responses;
(E) Recipients of aid or emergency relief and services should be assessed for those extraordinary costs incurred and payable to third parties for services rendered by such third parties and/or for replenishing supplies and equipment in the performance of the aid or emergency services expended;
(F) Subject to the provisions herein contained, the reimbursement for such expenses by the direct recipients of the benefit is appropriate given the disproportionate relationship in the amount of such costs and the general benefit to the city and providing for the reimbursement of such extraordinary expenses is in the best interest of the general welfare, health and safety of the residents and of the city.
(Ord. 1515, passed 3-27-1995)