All sidewalks which shall hereafter be constructed unless otherwise specially ordained, shall be constructed of concrete of the best material according to the specifications hereinafter provided. The specifications for such sidewalks shall be as follows:
(A) Subgrade. The ground shall be excavated or filled to a depth of 12½ inches below the surface of the finished walk and the surface of the subgrade shall be thoroughly and evenly tamped.
(B) Fill. Whenever filling is required it will be made of any suitable material excavated from the work or with gravel. All fills shall be made in uniform layers not exceeding 6 inches in depth and each layer shall be thoroughly tamped to insure a solid bed.
(C) Removal of soft material. All soft and spongy material that cannot be made solid shall be removed and the places filled with gravel.
(D) Foundation. Upon the subgrade as herein described, will be laid a foundation course 7½ inches thick, after tamping, of good clean cinders or gravel which shall be flooded and thoroughly tamped so as to procure a compact solid foundation.
(E) Concrete. Upon this bed or foundation of cinders or gravel thus formed, shall be placed a course of concrete 4 inches in thickness when tamped, which concrete shall be composed of 1 part by bulk of best Portland cement, 2 parts by bulk of clean sharp sand and 4 parts by bulk of crushed stone or good clean gravel crushed to such size that the fragments thereof shall pass through a 2-inch ring.
(F) Wearing surface. Upon the concrete base there shall be spread a finish coat or wearing surface 1 inch in thickness composed of 1 part by bulk of best Portland cement, and 1½ parts by bulk of clean, sharp sand, finished to a smooth surface. This finish coat shall be spread on the concrete as soon as the same is tamped and before it has begun to set and in such manner as shall bind firmly to the concrete base. It must be quickly and evenly spread and shall then be floated and troweled to a smooth surface conforming to the grade line.
(G) Mixing. The concrete shall be mixed by machinery or by hand. If mixed by machinery the mixing shall be done in a batch mixer subject to the approval of the Board of Local Improvements. If by hand, the sand and cement shall be first mixed dry in proper proportions until the mixing shows a uniform color, and to the mixture thus prepared shall be added the proper proportion of broken stone or gravel which has been previously drenched with water and the whole shall be mixed until every piece of the rock or gravel is coated with mortar. Sufficient water shall be used in mixing the concrete so that the water will readily flush to the surface with very light tamping.
(H) Consistency of concrete. The concrete thus mixed shall have a consistency that when rammed the mass shall not shake like jelly, but will when struck remain compact and firm under the area of the tamper without being displaced laterally.
(I) Mixing and laying. The whole operation of mixing and laying each batch of concrete shall be done in an expeditious and workmanlike manner, and the concrete shall be thoroughly tamped immediately after it is placed in the form.
(J) Retempering. No retempering of concrete will be permitted and concrete in which the mortar has begun to set will be rejected.
(K) Joints. The walk shall be laid off in blocks of the same length as the width of the walks so as to make blocks practically square. The joints shall be cut clear through the concrete and shall be 1/4 inch in width. Into each joint in the concrete shall be poured clean dry sand, its entire length. The joints in the finish coat shall be 1/8 inch in width and shall coincide with those of the concrete.
(L) Surface. The finished surface of the walk shall have a general inclination toward the gutter of 1 inch to every 4 feet, and the surface of the walk when completed shall conform to the established grade, and the side lines of the walk shall conform to the established sidewalk lines of the street upon or along which the walk is being constructed.
(M) Requirements of materials; cement. Some standard brand of Portland cement shall be used which has been in practical use on public works for not less than 5 years and shall have been proved satisfactory therein. No brand of cement shall be used which the Board of Local Improvements shall deem unfit for the work, nor shall any cement be used which does not give satisfactory results according to the standard methods of testing as provided by the American Society for Testing Materials. The contractor shall provide sufficient means to protect the cement against dampness, and no cement shall be used which has become caked from exposure to dampness.
(N) Sand for concrete and finish. The sand for concrete shall be clean, sharp sand and free from clay or other mineral or organic matter and thoroughly screened. The sand for cement test and for finish coat of the walk shall be clean, sharp sand of such fineness as will pass a sieve of 10 meshes per lineal inch, and none of it sieve at 50 meshes per lineal inch.
(O) Stone and gravel. The stone and gravel shall range in size from 1/4 inch to 1-7/8 inches in the greatest dimensions, and shall be thoroughly drenched with water immediately before being used in the concrete. The gravel shall be free from loam, vegetable matter or other foreign substance.
(P) General stipulations. The contractor will be held responsible for any damage done to water, gas, sewer, or drain pipes and appurtenances.
(Q) Stakes to be preserved. The contractor is required to preserve all stakes set for lines, levels or measurements of the work in their proper places until authorized to remove them by the Board of Local Improvements. All expense in replacing any stakes that the contractor or his or her subordinates may have failed to preserve will be charged to the contractor.
(R) Approval of materials. All materials used in any part of the sidewalk and all work shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Local Improvements. Any material that may be considered defective shall be removed immediately from the vicinity of the work and any work considered defective shall be at once rebuilt. In case the contractor shall refuse to remove any condemned work within 24 hours after notice, then the city may cause all such condemned material to be removed or condemned work to be replaced at the expense of the contractor.
(S) Skilled workers. Properly skilled workers only shall be employed on the work and the contractor shall discharge any employees who may, in the opinion of the Board of Local Improvements, be considered guilty of misconduct or neglect in his or her duties, or may perform the work in an improper manner.
(T) Protecting work. All work while in progress must be protected against injury from sun, rain, or other causes and the finished walk shall not be used until it has set sufficiently to receive travel.
(U) Obstructing gutters. The contractor shall not obstruct the gutter of any street contiguous to the work nor prevent in any manner the flow of the water in the same.
(V) Removal of surplus material. When the work is completed, the contractor shall immediately remove all debris and surplus material and shall leave the sidewalk, gutter and roadway free and unobstructed.
(W) Instruction to foremen. Whenever the contractor is not present on the work, directions or orders given by the Board of Local Improvements to any superintendent or overseer who may have charge of any particular work shall be received and obeyed the same as if given to the contractor.
(X) Contractor defined. Whenever the word CONTRACTOR is used, it is held to mean either any contractor or firm of contractors or any member of a firm contracting for work, or any corporation undertaking a contract.
(Y) Decisions of Board of Local Improvements final. In the interpretation of the decision of the Board of Local Improvements concerning the execution of the work, the decision of the Board shall be final and conclusive.
(1963 Code, § 8-1-3) (Ord. passed 7-16-1912)